Well, you found us.Let's not fuck about, everything you need to know is below. Step in, step up, do some damage and maybe make a few gillies in the process.

To unlock the necessary role to see and interact with CQB, please contact @Empress, @Magician or @Accountant on the discord.

Who are you?

Your options

If you made it this far, you either got a bloodlust and want to do something with it, or you're curious enough to stumble upon this and a murky little world has been opened to you. Here's your choices.


You've got no problems with stepping into the ring and dealing some damage? Good. Time to throw hands and get a payday -if- you're better than your opponent. If not, get battered. All the same to us.


Prefer to put your wallet in danger rather than your pretty face? Fine, put some gillies on a fight and see if you can recognise a talent. Get it right and get a payout.

What you need to know

the rules

- Know how to keep your mouth shut. We don't shout out to every loudmouth in Limsa Lominsa what we're doing. If you think you found someone who'd fit, bring them along. Don't run your mouth.- No weapons, no magic, no enhancers, no bullshit. You fight with your determination, not your tools, arcane knowledge or alchemical concoctions. Fists, legs, head, tail if it applies.If you wanna get drunk before getting in the ring, that's on you.- The Referee's in charge. They have the final say. They tell you to fuck off out of the ring, you fuck off out of the ring. If you kick off at the ref, remember there's an audience of other brawlers who won't take kindly to that.- If someone clearly yields, fight's done. Settle your beefs elsewhere. If you fight in our ring, you do it properly. No demolishing someone who can't fight back.- Fights aren't on a regular schedule. This isn't Pro Tournament. You wanna step in the ring, you issue your challenge. CQB will put you in the ring together at a time both brawlers and a referee can make it.

For further minor rules and technicalities, enquire on the messageboards.

So you wanna get paid

the gambling

Contact one of our Accountants on the premises about who you want to place your bet on.
How much you win depends on the amount you bet and how many people put their tickets on the same fighter.
CQB remains the right to withhold 10% of all bets as a service fee to provide more fights and services in future.
If your chosen fighter won their fight, you can collect your payout back at the Accountant. They will calculate your winnings, or tell you to fuck off because you lost the bet.

Got Questions?
Contact 'Accountant' on the messageboards.